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Archive | March, 2013

Carrying with care

“You can put that box down,” my high school boyfriend once told me. We’d been driving for a while, and had a while left to travel, and the whole time I’d been gripping a cardboard box full of…CDs? Books? The contents weren’t particularly important, but having their weight on my lap was comfortable. I am […]

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Patience in snowtime

I was unprepared for snow. The weather app on my phone predicted chilly sunshine all day, and since I wasn’t expecting to work late, I didn’t check the evening forecast. So the snow was a surprise. It didn’t seem bad as I exited the subway and went to get groceries, but by the time I […]

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I’m so scared

I try so hard to be brave. My comfort zone feels like a distant home, a place I love to visit but where I no longer live. And a lot of the time that feels fine. I am excited about where I’m headed. I’m SO excited. But I’m also scared. And not confessing the fear […]

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Love > fear