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Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall (Lesson 13)

You’re about to read Chapter 13. Want to start this story from the beginning? Go here.

If you didn’t already know Calling In “The One” was based on the principles of the Law of Attraction, Lesson 13 would be the time you found out.

Your life is a mirror

It seems fitting that I was pulled back toward this work because of my interest in A Course In Miracles, because the philosophies are absolutely in alignment.

What we see in our external world is a reflection of what we believe and create within us.

If that sounds farfetched, I hear you. But after years of studying and practicing principles of metaphysics, I’ve found them to be true.

What you want to receive must first exist in you.

You can’t meet a good guy if good guys don’t exist

One of my pet peeves is when women talk badly about men.

For one thing, it’s not productive to characterize an entire gender. But for another, when I hear someone say “there are no good guys out there,” I can’t help but cringe.

We do create our realities. So why would you declare your desire to be nonexistent?

I get it, of course. For the longest time I worried there were no good guys left. I certainly wasn’t seeing them in my own dating experiences.

And then I decided to see differently.

I changed my belief—not on the outer, affirmational level, although affirmations can help. I did some deep-down inner shifting work in order to allow for a completely different perspective.

And you know what? It worked!

As soon as I adopted the gut-sure resolution that good guys were everywhere, I started seeing them everywhere.

Sure, many of them were not available or appropriate for me.

But they existed, and I could see them, which made it possible to believe that, eventually, my beloved would find me.

Action and attraction are not mutually exclusive

You might notice that the phrase “my beloved would find me” is passive on my part.

That’s on purpose.

In my experience, exercising my ability to get out there and go after what I want is not always my best strategy. Particularly when it comes to romance.

Obviously it is important I that I am able to take actions, but it is equally important that I’m able to cultivate a strong inner vision that attracts my desires.

In other words, I don’t always have to “do.” Being is powerful too.

These two methods of achieving results are commonly referred to as masculine and feminine energies.

Katherine points out that the “masculine” creative principle—taking actions to try and make things happen—is the principle that is predominant in Western culture and the one we typically trust the most.

But the “feminine” creative principle—creating from within and attracting accordingly—is no less effective, and I’d say possibly more powerful.

And at this juncture I think it’s important to note:

“Just because something is called ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’ does not mean that men need one type and women need the other. In order to live balanced and fulfilled lives, we all need to be adept at causing results in our lives both by being empowered to take actions and also through the ability to draw toward us those things that we truly want.”—CITO p.84 

The “masculine” and “feminine” energies are not about gender.

Everyone benefits from leveraging them both.

Lesson 13 in practice

Having established that our inner beliefs determine our outer reality, Lesson 13 then posits the question:

“On a scale of 0 to 10, 0 meaning that absolutely no part of you believes you can or ever will have love in your life, and 10 meaning that you absolutely know for sure in your heart that you will, where are you?”

As soon as I read the question, I wrote down my answer:

10! (or, like 9.5?)

And then I noticed what I’d done and further modified the line in my journal:

10! (or, like 9.5?) <— LOL <—95 <— LOL


My instinct said 100, and a second later, I second guessed it.

Just like the first time I kissed Paul I knew he could be my husband—and then I recoiled from that crazy burn of confidence.

What if I’d stayed calm instead of getting anxious as the months went by? Would Paul—my mirror—have reflected differently?

I don’t know.

But what I see for sure is that I still am not at 100% with Lesson 11’s renegotiation: It is safe to trust someone 100%.

Fortunately, the last part of the Lesson 13 homework suggests that we “write those beliefs that you wish to strengthen and bolster up ten or more times each in your journal.”

When I did that, I could feel the truth of what I wrote.

Which means that soon I will see it.

Love > fear,


Want to know what happens next? Proceed to Chapter 14.

Missed what happened before? Go back to Chapter 12, or start from the beginning.

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Love > fear