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Archive | acceptance

Give thanks, get goodness

There’s a message board in the entryway to my apartment, and on it I’ve written a reminder that has really helped me stay present the last week or so. “Focus on what you want.” That means no regretting what didn’t happen or dwelling on what’s wrong. It means noticing my thoughts and dismissing what doesn’t serve […]

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You don’t have to earn a thing.

Right now, already, you are everything. There is nothing you need. Sure, there is plenty to dream of and hope for and work toward, and thank goodness for that. Oh, goodness. Goodness is everywhere, and more is on the way. If you let it, goodness—love—will show you its secrets, carry you in its kindness, sweep […]

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It’s already okay

I had a whole elaborate blog post planned. I was prepared to tell you all about my latest bout with insecurity, and how I was hoping to overcome it quickly. (I was on a deadline.) So to start, I tracked down an image that contained the message “you are enough,” and I composed the title […]

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Restful release

I took a yoga class today that should have been easy. Or if not easy, easily within my asana abilities. And yet, I had to sit out about half of it. It’s one thing to stay still because you don’t feel like moving, and another entirely to feel forced into immobility. I love my Saturday […]

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Solstice savasana

For years now I’ve enjoyed doing yoga in Times Square on the night of the summer solstice. It’s become a deeply personal ritual, performed in a very public place. This year the solstice was on Wednesday, June 20. I pre-registered for class back in April and the date took top priority; I shuffled several events […]

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Acceptably uncertain

The first-ever Yoga Service Conference starts tomorrow, and I’m not sure why I’m going. It’s not that I’ve lost interest in the cause–I’m as emphatic as ever that yoga can be both profoundly healing and accessible to everyone, and I remain deeply committed to the practice of seva (yoga-speak for “selfless service”). It’s just that […]

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Love > fear