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Archive | self-care

Give thanks, get goodness

There’s a message board in the entryway to my apartment, and on it I’ve written a reminder that has really helped me stay present the last week or so. “Focus on what you want.” That means no regretting what didn’t happen or dwelling on what’s wrong. It means noticing my thoughts and dismissing what doesn’t serve […]

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In case you didn’t already know

I like to feel good. Stress, typically, does not feel good. Sure, sometimes it’s exhilarating—the thrill of rushing toward a deadline, the zing of taking a risk. But I don’t need a lot to get my fill, and lately I’ve had too much. The other night I did yoga at home, and that helped, for […]

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A healing state of mind

I have a hard time doing nothing. Just in the time it took to type that sentence, my body created (and killed) millions of cells, and that’s only a fraction of the action occurring inside me all the time. No wonder I struggle to sit still. But stillness is what I need, and since I’m […]

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Today is special. Will you feel it?

Every day is special, of course, but today in particular, because the planets are lined up in a very rare and powerful formation that, in turn, gives us a rare and powerful opportunity to set intentions and manifest peace. You don’t have to buy into the astrological implications of this phenomena in order to take […]

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Br(e)aking back to basics

I told myself I would take off the month of July. Ever since January I’ve been goinggoinggoing, and I am ready to be still. Or, if not actually ready, at least aware that it’s time. In the last five months I’ve taken an 8-week grammar course, a 6-week yoga course, a 10-week writing course, 5 […]

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Love > fear