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Delicious hydration (recipe!)

I was browsing the latest issue of Yoga Journal the other day and came across an intriguing recipe for a homemade sports drink. I whipped up an impromptu liter, let it chill, and am now finding it thoroughly refreshing.

The recipe called for the juice of a fresh lemon but that wasn’t happening for me. So I added a spoonful of lemon juice, a squirt of honey, and a pinch of salt to a cup of hot water. I estimated the increased proportions for a 1-liter water bottle and it seems to have worked out well. (As with a neti pot, when in doubt, use less salt.)

I’m so grateful for this convenient, inexpensive solution to my hydration needs! And it’s also delicious….What’s not to like about honey lemonade? Hard to believe this tasty concoction is actually better for me than regular water, but apparently that’s how electrolytes work. Yay for rehydration!

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