I’m always seeking balance.
Sometimes I even find it!
Hey there. How’re you feeling?
If you’re like vast majority of humans on our planet, you’re probably hurting in some way, and therefore in need of healing. Each of us has unique pains, and I believe we all have the ability to feel better.
This website is my way of shining my light as bright as I can, in the hopes that my own experiences and discoveries can be of benefit to others. (Like you!)
What helps me heal? Love, ultimately. Also awareness, acceptance, compassion, gratitude, kindness…the list goes on.
Also, I breathe. All. the. time. (Like you!)
Breath is the key that unlocks everything, especially the secrets of the body and mind. And when we combine conscious breath with conscious movement (even surprisingly gentle, subtle movement), well, then things get seriously interesting.
As a creative writer with a journalism degree and a yoga teaching certification, I enjoy exploring and sharing responsibly about what interests me, particularly if it can help me (and you!) feel better.
It definitely takes practice, but I believe it’s possible for us all to feel great—and that the world will be a much better place when we do.
Namaste, (<– that’s yoga speak for “the light within me honors the light within you”)
p.s. If you want to keep up with everything I’m learning and doing, be sure to sign up for email updates! (Use the handy box at the top of the sidebar to your right.) Or you can also reach me at christina [at] christinabryza.com.